Sunday, April 10, 2016

Monterey Dunes: Winter conditions and a new piece of art installed

The beach has been changed by the large winter storms:

And the were some casualties:

The replanted area is doing just so-so:

And the rain has brought out the spring colors:

Sporadic attempt to eliminate ice plant

There are only about 9-12 mating pairs of snowy plovers on this stretch of beach:

They like to rest in sand divots

THB doing some beach cleanup; there is a lot of Styrofoam broken up along the coast line now

We were on dog sitting detail...not exactly hard duty!

And now for the latest piece of art: a sewer pipe!

The pallet just fit through the gate


To help stabilize the piece

Laying the tape between pieces

The MD HOA crew provides the muscle

The view from above (note sand covering the plate)