Thursday, March 12, 2020

Day 5: Maui

Day 5: Maui

Lots of sirens, blocked off the main road through Kihei for an hour or so. Read that a guy on a moped got hit and hurt severely.

{ed. Note: THB selected A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall lyrics a few days before leaving for HI. Now it seems not only prescient, it seems cruel as things are changing so fast globally. THB does recommend you watch Patti Smith’s version at Nobel ceremony, the one Bob – no relation – didn’t attend}

Quote of the Day: For those of you too young to know where this quote comes from ask somebody a lot older (and preferably someone familiar with American folksongs)

These are the times that try men's souls
In the course of our nation's history the people of the USA have rallied bravely whenever the rights of men have been threatened
Today a new crisis has arisen
The MauiTransit Authority, better known as the M.T.A.
Is attempting to levy a burdensome tax on the population in the form of a subway fare increase
Citizens, hear me out, this could happen to you!
Well, let me tell you of the story of a man named THB
On a tragic and fateful day
He put ten thousand rupiah in his pocket, kissed his wife and family
Went to ride on the MTA

Weather:   Mostly overcast today, possibly reason beach was less crowded

Word of the Day: THB is a climate change collapsarian. Here’s a good word that describes how THB feels: Solastalgia, a form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental change (sort of like nostalgia except you don’t have to leave home to feel this sense of dread)

THB and LB discuss coming home early for fear that Sunday’s flight will be cancelled (it would only be a day or two early anyway) and agree we’ll decide tomorrow morning.

Pics of fish deleted due to ...  due to .... lack of authorizatioon?

Head to beach below condo, THB snorkels (somewhat murky, mostly same fish as yesterday) and LB rests up. THB comes back for lunch (usual: poke, etc.) and does a bit of e-mailing, mostly to see what has been cancelled on his calendar without him having any say in the matter (nor should THB have a say).

Better pic of the fruit on palm tree

LB is under the reddish umbrella...that is as close as THB got, she wanted no pics of herself in the blog

Post snorkel drying racks 

The dryer, some generator type thing for the a/c

Dinner at the condo, leaving more time for doing nothing again. Leftover pork burritos, quesadilla, pog and rum for LB, club soda and lemon for THB (It’s a no alcohol day)

Decide to come back early. Paradise can be hell if you are feeling like you can't leave.

Book review from 2017, this was THB’s number 2 book that year; the quote in italics is from REM's It’s The End of the World): Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel (novel, paperback): Dystopian set in current times, a flu wipes out 99.9% of humanity within a few days. Tell me with the Rapture and the reverent in the right, right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light. Feeling pretty psyched. And it’s the end of the world…THB recommends this book only if you can handle nightmares for a few weeks after finishing it. 

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