Sunday, June 1, 2014

In the Daze before mini-ballpark tour

First up: what's happening on the old Bay Bridge deconstruction

Tearing down the old Bay Bridge

Ooops, something is missing

Yep, gone!

Front row seats, complete with lunch

THB goes olallieberry picking in Watsonville, a tradition for over 25 years; we used to go to a spot north of Santa Cruz before discovering Gizdich Ranch.

THB and DB's favorite sandwich spot, in Castroville, the Trolley Car. They also do excellent roti chicken and a very good pasta special at dinner. Family run, extremely friendly and accommodating; they provided tri-tip at K&E's pre-wedding dinner.

THB's favorite: brisket sandwich with jicama cole slaw

Yes, the TrolleyCar is in an old trolley from the Key System 
 There has been a surge in dead or dying sea lions washing up on the beaches of Monterey Bay this winter and spring. Theory: there is a large red tide (algai bloom) and the food chain is affected up the line. A sluggish sea lion was reported out front of the beach house (if they are up on the beach here, there's something wrong). 

Here in pictures (and in video if THB can load it) is the rescue team in action.

the puppy is reluctant to go in his crate

And, here's the video (THB is crossing his flippers)…sorry, didn't load. I need to consult my blog expert, the Macinator. 

Your Video Here: Tried two different ways, will have to get to it later

Success, and hopefully revival for the sea lion

THB and DB go to the Castroville Artichoke Festival at the Monterey County Fairgrounds (sort of like the LA Angels of Anaheim?). The big event: a tour of artichokes fields (which turn out to be right behind the beach house).

THB and DB get a ride to the field just like the real workers

What is this device? Yep, you got it! A month catcher counter

Left on the plant

A plant shortly before they come and roto-till the field

Foreigners being helped by a local

Artichoke festival arts and crafts

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