Two nights in a row: a night sky full of stars and unknown constellations
Day 6
Weather: Same-same, always hot in direct sun
What happened today:
- Have breakfast, DB goes for the French toast and THB sticks with Grape Nuts
- Snorkeling at Castaway's Island; 2nd time for THB and LB, first for DB, and just the three of us. Snorkel is long and full of surprises.
- Kayaking just after snorkeling: we take it easy in front of the resort
- Have lunch: pizzas and brewskies by the pool
- Have dinner
Pics of the day: LB gets THB camera to work underwater, pics are not the same as seeing the real thing in person through a mask
At the end of a long snorkel, there is another resort...looks lovely and many people pursuing diffecnt water activities
Kayaked up close ro the stilt cabins: large and big windows
big catch of the day
torch lighting at bar
Lunch: Fiji Gold and Bitters and shared pizzas
Day 7
Weather: Same-same
What happened today:
- Breakfast,
- Went on excursion snorkeling to Castaway's Wall with a couple from NZ. After 10 minutes or so THB calls out the guide: we aren't seeing a thing. Back in boat and off to Castaway's Island. Also not very good. Back to Likuliku andd snorkel in ftont: EXCELLENT, better than Bonaire, moves into 2nd place all-time, only Raja Ampat better
- Have lunch: another terrufuc chocolate dessert (not the Dome)
- Snorkel in front at 5pm, very nice, spot non-invasive pair of lionfish
- Have champagne (gift of resort on arrival, we use it as going awaay toast) at the bar at end of jetty
- Dinner, to our surprise, starts at 7pm. It's a buffet, and THB isn't wild about any of it. LB arranged a special serving of Chocolate Dome - it doesn't make it to pool of buffet.
- Get another good night's sleep
Pics of the day: Only a couple and they don't make it into the blog, some message about the i-phone needed to re-linked to computer...FAILED!
Book Review:
Sea of Poppies, Amitave Ghosh (novel, audio, book 1 of the three part Ibis Trilogy, brilliantly narrated by Phil Gigante, at 1.2x, pub'd in 2008, reco'd by BH)): This saga starts in 1838 while India is in the throes of the British trading company's effort to maximize profits. The main characters (and there are maybe 7 or 8 of them, are brought together on the Ibis as they and others are being transported to Mauritius to work on plantations or man the ship. Highly Recommeded, THB dares you to put it down (or harder yet, stop listeniing) and if you do't double-dares you to not go on to Book 2
JUst ordered the book. Taking it with me to Spain and Portugal