Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Misc in May, June

Department of If It's Not One Thing It's Another: Starting with this post, somehow, randomly, though more often now, when THB goes to make the pics larger (or extra large), nothing happens. You may notice a lot of the pics are smaller (i.e., "normal"): those are the ones that THB couldn't enlarge. Camera? Blogspot? Operator malfunction? Solar activity? Climate cha Evil Eye? Something else....?

Department of Corrections: OOPS! At end of June, Blogspot returned to full health and now pics can be enlarged and THB fixed everything, so you the follower won't notice anything. 

Department of Medicine: In 2016 when THB was advised that he had a big problem and should rush to the ER, his Creatine Kinase (CK) count was over 6500. The diagnosis was Necrotizing Myositis, an auto-immune illness that attacks the large muscles caused by a much delayed reaction to statins. This month CK count has dropped to 160, mostly due to a weekly dose of Methotrexate and regular exercise.  Normal for men is 190. THB is not cured (there is no cure), now controlled. 

Annals of Fishing: THB has always wondered how little eggs floating in the water became large fish. Turns out that California Halibut are raised in trees before being released into the wild, wild sea...this one was "caught" by a free-dive (i.e., snorkeler) spear fisher just off the beach. 


Near Monterey Dunes 

How cold was it dining outside for dinner in Prunedale? THB put on a snorkel overshirt
Sign of the times we now live in: Warnings everywhere 
The answer, my friends, is blowin' in the windThe answer is blowin' in the wind

Dead sea lion on Monterey beach
Pelican with a damaged wing

From the SF Chronicle: The Bay Area rescue center and its Southern California counterpart together have treated 300 birds since April 20, all suffering from malnutrition and many with additional related injuries. Hundreds more have shown up dead on state beaches. It’s not for lack of sardines and anchovies, wildlife officials say. Rather, the theory is that a late spring storm made water visibility, and therefore fishing, extremely difficult for the birds.
From Love Minus Zero by Bob Dylan (adapted by THB): 
My love she's like some pelican
At my window with a broken wing.

Primroses are in bloom at entry to MDC. THB and DB cannot ever remembering them in bloom here...

These pots had flooded, and after re-potting the plants have survived

Sandy and LB's new rescue: DougDigger
DD meeting a contemporary

DD guarding the remote
ditto Sandy

New residents at MDC: this pic is off the internet. There are now coyotes with pups living at the south end of the colony, probably in the dunes. DB and Sandy had already been trailed by one of the adults when walking along the road. SSSSSSSSCARRRREEEEEEEE

The twins have their first dance recital, in a gorgeous auditorium in a  local high school
J is in the hip-hop dance class
C is taking ballet

Their teacher, with C paying close attention

The twins are eyeing each others bouquets, J on the left and C on the right

The chauffeur with her riders: buckle up! 
The post-recital party: rainbow cake for two, please
The next week, the twins are back to looking identical (J left, C right, ? in middle) and rumor has it they are switching their name tags at summer camp
Even grandma couldn't tell them apart all the time (THB almost never)
THB has planned the morning of DB's birthday: SF Arizmendi and a walk on the beach (also in SF)
Waymo self driving cars are being tested in SF; we see a bunch of them 
The view from the beginning of the walk on the beach: gorgeous 
The next stop: a visit to the Bay's newest park. It's a really small space on top of Yerba Buena Island and the list of what you can't do takes longer to read than see the place
THB and DB have three of Sugimoto's "ocean horizon" photographs (hanging at the beach) and visited his horizon  installation on Naosima
The equation 

The view from Panorama Park

New pizza place near Jack London Square: pizza mediocre, only one local brewski on tap, and the 5oz glasses are very odd


THB gets called for jury duty, site is downtown Oakland - an easy 7 minute car ride away. Some 70-90 people are waiting before 9am, THB takes a seat behind the yellow tape. 40 minute orientation, a 20 minute break and...we are told our services won't be needed and we have fulfilled our civic duty (and here THB thought getting constant updates on DJT's court happenings should count for something....like protecting democracy in the U.S. of A.)

Sandy is learning to knit, watching closely
Breakfast at Alta in downtown Monterey
pretty blossoms in Monterey
The wind prevails...why aren't all of these trees in the park staked?

How hot was it the first week of June: sunbathing at Crissy Fields beach

The Twins come to the beach for  a long weekend
Cherry picking: 6 pounds in 40 minutes

Note: Twins are wearing pajamas to cherry pick (noon-ish).

A visit to Dennis the Menace park in Monterey: DB helps J get in a swing made for 2 year olds

Success and C climbs on easily
Backseat drivers!
How many hands can fit on one tiller: go left...go right...NO, straight
Practicing for next year, they are just a little short in the legs this year

THB goes to his last A's game

All tix are via phone
This guys sitting below us wearing Oakland Ballers t-shirt, this independent team plays on  a diamond less than 5 minutes from the loft
the Oakland Coliseum will be without a baseball or football team next year

Elon is at it again: the early reviews are this is the alpha version, consumers should wait until the kinks are worked out of the Cyber-truck

Super bloom year for the deck planter boxes

Same for ticks, everybody at beach has tales of being beset by them
Surf class warming up on Sandy's new favorite beach (NO TICKS!)
Later the next week

This planter box is doing well also

Department of Streaming:  Episode 1 (near end of June), Episode hopefully will be broadcast in July

Ep 1: Returning from a bagel run, THB is rear-ended when the traffic is almost at a standstill. The guy who hit TBH's car with his car uses his "Club" to unjam the bumper and  tire. THB reports the incident to State Farm (complete with pics), and within 2 days State Farm has issued a check and it is in the mail
Then he does the same on his car...guess this wasn't the first time he had used the Club as a crowbar
From the rear the Volvo doesn't look as bad as the Civic
1/2 mile from loft a former industrial building has been converted to a fancy climbing/gym; the pics were taken around noon and the place was buzzing 

Across the street from the rock climbing club a guy is bbq'ing chicken and ribs; THB and Sandy get the ribs...a full slab (makes 4 more meals). 
End of June and the Tour de France (23 day bike race) has started: THB is getting up early to watch each stage (and in prep for the Pais O's). The first 3 stages are in Italy and the shots below are from the end of Stage 2 which finished in Bologna

The winners of the  last 4 TdFs: Tadej on left and Jonas on right...they are tied for the lead after this stage. 
The latest E-ville public art in front (or back?) of new Chiron building, by former E-vill artist Ann Weber

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