Sunday, July 28, 2024

Paris O's Days 1 and 2

No, this is not a hot air balloon. It is a shot to KM and THB in front of the O Torch. This is not a close-up, you need a (free) ticket to get a time slot. We've got one, for some time in late September....2026

Day 1, Paris, Saturday, Jully 27

Arrival: From SFO to Hotel Citadine - all went smoothly, built in plenty of time for transfer in Frankfurt, hotel was ready for us, THB got an upgrade, KM is in the studio. Hotel was not full (hence upgrade), no surprise as most O cities expect overflows of attendees, and when you subtract tourists and locals that avoid the place, it is a net loss. Only Surprise: no hot water until 7pm, fix is in process. 

waiting for the bus to arrive; both inbound and outbound planes were parked quite a distance from the terminal

O stadium went by in a flash, we'll be here 5 or maybe more T&F night sessions. Taxi stand ready for us, $60 and about 1 hr ride, slowed down by a car that skidded off the freeway into a decent size ditch (it was not blocking any lanes) and intermittent drizzle
One bedroom upgrade

complete with kitchen (no pots for stove)
view from THB's room: Les Halles is now a shopping mall
{ed. note NOT} Notre Dame without scaffolding, the renovations from a 2019 fire were just completed  
Citadines Hotel, Les Halles location; nice shopping area, big Metro station right outside the front door. and another a few meters away. Asked a big guy in elevator if he was going to any events. He has been here for three weeks, works for BBC, and looked exhausted. 
Dinner spot a few meters away
THB and KM do our usual, sharing meals, $60 with small beer and large water

Book Review: The Known World, Edward P. Jones (novel, #4 on NYT top 100 of 21st C, narrated by Kevin R. Free, pub'd 2004): a long story set mainly on a farm owned by a free black man with approximately 30 slaves, none free, all owned by the "master."  The narrator is fabulous and eventually the listener realizes no person of color is even close to being really free (with one exception, and she could pass for "white"). Highly Recommended

 Day 2, Paris (Sunday), July 28

A Day of Strolling and Testing Commutes: THB planned Day 2 to be a respite from jet lag. Good thing, because we had quite a bit of validation to do as well as sightseeing, ending up putting in 15K steps and numerous metro rides (KM got us weekly cards and plastic lanyard holders: easy peasy). Weather perfect, on the fringe of warm, breezy, fine in the shade.

{ed. note: on day 2 the pics did not load in time-taken order on the I-phone - another first - nor on the old problem re-appears}

First (ed. note: enough with the firsts}, THB made a trip to the fitness center, then we gave the hotel "buffet" breakfast a fair test ($20/pp...not great) and headed out via the metro to one of the main areas along the Seine towards where the torch was installed (" the cauldron" is in the Tuileries), and later went out to the VB venue and tried to get to the O Stadium. Here is the day in pictures:

fitness center: rowing machine with water churning from the rowing, a first for THB who has been in many a hotel fc

fitness center second: a hand grinder churning water at the user's feet. It has been a day for surprises and it is only 6am. 

view of lobby from the first floor: coffee machine accessible 24 hrs/day
the sink stopper: no way to close it, none. Another first (it is only 6:17 am); shower control unique, and plenty of hot water

another first: push-button on/off button

THB standing in middle of huge street with no car traffic and the Arc de Triomphe

large O merch store, THB and KB are two of first inside at opening bell (10am) and small purchases made, though checkout took over 10 minutes. This pic was taken 10 minutes after the opening.

time to refuel with nutella crepe ($7.50)

KM and THB are sharing everything

We are trying to get a look at the torch. You need to get a free time slot to get up close and personal (see above)
not Notre Dame

Another shot of THB and KM in front of the torch ed. note: just a repeat of the picture at top of the post

(below) This British Commonwealth woman heard us talking about getting a time slot for the torch. She was having no luck,  so KM explained they are overloaded with requests. She then told us her story: she's been here for a while, she works for some highly ranked doubles tennis player (Aussie) and, because of many cancellations, he "got" to play singles against Novak Djokovic in the first round. So, even though many matches were rained out, they put Novak on center court, closed the roof, and she got to sit in the player's box ... her guy (of course) lost, she explained since he is really here for doubles, so he didn't give it his best effort..who could tell, Novak basically rolls everyone until the semi's or finals. Plus she is having a hell of time getting back to UK to attend a funeral tomorrow (train problem due to arson). Watch, tomorrow will be the only time slot open for years. Does she go to the  funeral (note the black dress...she's not even bothering to change).

the Westfield mall under THB's window. His day for butt brush (and he hasn't even told the followers about the metro yet

So Not ND
Not real birds
Breakfast buffet, KM and THB the only takers
Site of opening ceremony, now just another not clean river in the middle of a big city
Huge tapestry let's us know we are close to the hotel
Dinner around the corner: Caesar with dressing on the side (more like a regular iceberg lettuce salad) with a hard boiled egg, tomatoes, and chicken slices, a margherita pizza (they forgot the arugula) , large Moretti, and a lemonade, $50. 

Book Review: When We Cease To Understand The World, Benjamin Labatut (#83 on NYT top 100 of 21st C, " non-fiction" novel, translated from the Spanish by Adrian West, read by Adam Barr, pub'd 2021): THB loves truisms, and this short book combines two:

- The path to hell is paved with good intentions

- Man does not sit quietly in the room

Profiles of scientists who were dedicated to finding new ways to move knowledge forward during the last two centuries, despite losing their minds and/or their understanding of the impact on humanity as was known when then they were pushing the boundaries. The ideas and individuals are real, the stories told by the author may not be (e.g., one seems based on the Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann). Highly Recommended


  1. Can you watch any events on TV, like gymnastics?

    1. There are between 2 and 5 French owned public stations on the hotel TV. they are primarily focused on events where French are competing. Not always, maybe 85% of time. Of course THB turns off the sound. The BBC station occasionally shows some events, not all the time. With the sound off I am usually listening to one of my audiobooks...thx for asking

  2. Nice pics! Factoid - Our 1992 Dream Team had virtually no NBA opposition when they cruised to the Gold. This year w/78 International NBA Players from other countries playing, we were behind 10-2 to Serbia w/Nicola Jokic. We recovered well, esp. w/KD going 21 1st half w/perfect shooting, and some think the USA team is stronger than in 1992...but with competition that's now also world class.

    1. Yo Alec: were you with me 94 when we saw Michael Jordan (college student) dominate the opposition on a Saturday morning? France has Gobbert and Wemby playing together. the other guys looked pretty small with those 2 on the floor

  3. Rocking the Uncruise hat! Greatest blog ever. Love all the pics and the unexpected book reviews!
